Fun stop-motion video awesomely reveals the wild imagination of a child

This is absolutely one of the coolest and most fun videos I’ve seen in a while mostly because it’s a time machine back to childhood in the 80’s and 90’s. The stop-motion video, directed by Marc Donahue, reveals the imagination of a kid and it’s filled with everything we love coming to life: Back to the Future! Candy! Ghostbusters! Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles! Where the Wild Things Are! Super Mario! And so much more. Imagination is a powerful thing.

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An Online Dictionary Plans to Catalog a Million Emerging English Words

With viral memes and hashtags sweeping the internet on the daily, language is evolving faster than conventional dictionaries can keep up. You may have been “procrastatweeting” about the “popepocalypse” last week, but the stalwart publishers of the Oxford English won’t give your neologisms official recognition for years to come, if ever. Heck, they didn’t even put hoverboard down until 2015!

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The Best New Things to Watch on Netflix This October

IT’S BEEN EIGHT years since Netflix first began streaming movies, and by now the catalog is essentially a tiny civilization; each month, dozens of titles shuffle off the cloud-based coil, and dozens more are born to take their place. And we don’t know about you, but the majority of these births and deaths are insignificant. Oh noes, Ink Master: Season 2 won’t be available anymore! That’s okay, though, because the first four seasons of The Vanilla Ice Projectwill slide in to fill the void. See?

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9 Little Known Facts About Jazz Great John Coltrane

Early Life
Coltrane was born in Hamlet, North Carolina during the height of lynching and segregation. At a young age, Coltrane’s father got him into music by introducing him Lester Young and Count Bassie and teaching him how to play a variety of instruments. At 13, Coltrane focused on perfecting his ability on the saxophone and he never stopped.

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4 Things You Didn’t Know (But Should) About Your Credit Report

What you don’t know about your credit report could be hurting you. And we are not talking about identity theft or fraud. We are talking about what’s on there. Most people, in fact, are not well informed of how the credit rating system even works. Use this helpful article to find out what could be hurting (or helping) your credit rating, so you can take control of your financial life.

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Turn Your Sketchy Nighttime Bike Ride Into a Blaze of Glory with Revolights

Night biking is one of my favorite activities. But you know what’s even more fun? Not getting hit by careless drivers who fail to remember that bikers, too, sometimes have somewhere to be after dark. You’ve gotta have good lights, but taillights are passé. It’s time to step up your game. It’s time for Revolights.

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