Tag Archives: Wikileaks

Julian Assange Steps Down From Position as WikiLeaks Editor-In-Chief

WikiLeaks’ founder has been stuck in Ecuador’s London embassy for six years and cut off from accessing the internet for six months. Those circumstances have made it difficult for him to do the job of running WikiLeaks and the organization announced on Thursday that Assange will step aside as its editor-in-chief. Continue reading Julian Assange Steps Down From Position as WikiLeaks Editor-In-Chief

WikiLeaks Publishes Alleged CIA Documents That Expose How the Agency Hacks iPhones and TVs

On Tuesday, WikiLeaks published thousands of new documents allegedly obtained from the Central Intelligence Agency. And if the documents are legitimate, they prove the U.S. government has taken advantage of common technology to spy on users of consumer electronics. Dubbed “Year  Zero,” the trove of data is said to expose the CIA’s hacking tools used to break into phones, computers, and smart TVs. WikiLeaks and announced the leak is the first part of a new series called “Vault 7,” which will be “the largest ever publication of confidential documents on the [CIA].”

Continue reading WikiLeaks Publishes Alleged CIA Documents That Expose How the Agency Hacks iPhones and TVs