Alcohol Is Destroying More American Lives Than All So-Called “Drugs” Combined

With weed slowly but surely entering the same mainstream acceptanceterritory as our dear friend alcohol, one omission in the general political discussion surrounding this continued widespread legalization has become strikingly apparent: all those other drugs people love. Whether or not one considers weed and/or alcohol a “drug,” the science surrounding the impact of alcohol compared with the impact of other so-called “drugs” is relatively inarguable.

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Satellite Images Reveal a Massive 60 Million-Ton Avalanche in Canada

Early last week, around 45 megatons of ice and rock plunged down the southeast flank of Mount Steele in Canada’s Yukon Territory. The avalanche, which occurred in a remote and unpopulated area, was so large that it was initially detected by earthquake seismometers.

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