Tag Archives: data

The US logged more than a million COVID-19 cases last week

If you’ve lost count (or never started), we are now at week 39 of the pandemic, which officially began on March 11, 2020, when the World Health Organization declared COVID-19 a global event. It’s been nearly 11 months since the WHO announced there was a mysterious virus emerging in Wuhan, China, and though we understand far more about SARS-CoV-2 now, there’s still a lot left for us to parse.

Researchers find 36 security flaws in LTE

Security experts aren’t done poking holes in LTE’s armor — not by a long shot. South Korean researchers have found 36 vulnerabilities in LTE that enable a range of attacks, some more sinister than others. They include temporary inconveniences like disconnecting someone from the cell network through to eavesdropping and controlling the data itself. The team found the abundance of exploits by using a custom “fuzzing” (feeding large chunks of random data to look for irregularities) tool.

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Cops Need a Warrant to Grab Your Phone’s Location Data, Supreme Court Says in Landmark Case

On Friday, the Supreme Court ruled in a five-to-four decision that law enforcement generally must obtain a warrant to gather cellphone location data from network providers. In an age where virtually everyone is carrying a location-tracking device, the decision is a huge win for privacy advocates. Continue reading Cops Need a Warrant to Grab Your Phone’s Location Data, Supreme Court Says in Landmark Case


THE embattled data firm that worked on President Trump’s 2016 presidential campaign, has told employees it is shutting down, along with its UK counterpart SCL Elections. The move, which impacts all offices of both companies worldwide, comes amid recent revelations that the company harvested the data of up to 87 million Facebook users without their consent, according to multiple sources close to the company. Continue reading CAMBRIDGE ANALYTICA SHUTS DOWN ALL OFFICES AMID ONGOING FACEBOOK CRISIS

Artificial Intelligence, NASA Data Used to Discover Eighth Planet Circling Distant Star

Our solar system now is tied for most number of planets around a single star, with the recent discovery of an eighth planet circling Kepler-90, a Sun-like star 2,545 light-years from Earth. The planet was discovered in data from NASA’s Kepler Space Telescope. Continue reading Artificial Intelligence, NASA Data Used to Discover Eighth Planet Circling Distant Star

Australia Releases Trove of Scientific Data from Malaysia Airlines Flight MH370 Search

It can be hard to look for the bright side in a tragedy. But resolving tragedies often requires an immense amount of human effort, and that effort results in new knowledge. New genetic forensics techniques emerged from the identification of 9/11 victims, for example. Another tragedy, the disappearance of Malaysia Airlines flight MH370 three years ago, is starting to yield its own benefits to the scientific community.

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