Is It Possible to Clone a Dinosaur?

Apologies to people keen on reviving extinct dinosaurs, but researchers have never recovered dinosaur DNA, which is necessary for cloning. But, intriguingly, they have found fragments of mystery DNA in dinosaur bone, experts told Live Science.

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The Right Vibrations Will Make Particles in Liquid Break Into a Circle Dance

Chances are you’ve seen the gorgeous patterns that sound waves produce when sand is sprinkled on a vibrating metal plate. Now French physicists have produced inverse versions of these patterns using microbeads suspended in a liquid. They described their work in a recent paper in Physical Review Letters.

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Crushing Pressures Start to Reveal the Truth About Earth’s Core

The beating heart of our planet has remained a mystery for scientists searching for how Earth formed and what went into its creation. But a recent study was able to recreate the intense pressures approaching those found in the center of the Earth, giving researchers a glimpse into our planet’s early days, and even what the core may look like now.

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Why Millennial Women Crave Authenticity

The value of the female dollar is rising — today, women account for a whopping 85 percent of all consumer purchases and female income worldwide totals to over $18 trillion. Millennial women — those between the ages of 18 and 35 — represent a significant piece of that spending power. However, many companies struggle to gain attention and buy-in from this generation of women. Marketers spend a vast amount of time and resources creating and distributing creative and messages that are simply not sticking. Why? Because the stories these brands tell portray women in such a uniform way that it fails to attract them as customers.

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